About CIJ
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.
Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is appalled and disappointed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki’s defamation suit against a journalist, Lalitha Kunaratnam.
This move by Azam Baki is seen as a form of intimidation and reprisal against a journalist, who in good faith provided evidence and research-based news articles on a matter of public interest. This defamation suit further calls into question the role of Azam Baki, as a public official, who in his own professional capacity should be working towards the elimination of corruption in the country and upholding the media’s rights to report on news related to said matters.
It is the media’s role to investigate and report on matters that would impact the trust and credibility of public institutions as necessary means of ensuring transparency and holding them accountable. Initiating litigation against the media is akin to denying the public’s right to know and access information that would enable them to make informed decisions and form opinions. This form of retaliatory lawsuit is used to deter the freedom of expression and speech by intimidating watchdogs and critics, such as the media or activists who safeguard our democracy; and financially drain their resources.
The use of retaliatory lawsuits against an independent journalist is concerning when many of them bring attention to complex issues or scandals. In many instances, these journalists do not have the financial means and legal support. It creates a worrying precedent where journalists are forced to operate within a climate of fear.
The government should be proactive in responding to allegations and claims highlighted by the media – and ensure that its laws and mechanisms are not (mis)used to restrict and punish the media for doing its critical reporting job.
Investigative reports are an integral part of freedom of expression and the right to information. The media add another layer as whistleblowers. Protection of whistleblowers is also essential as its safeguards public interest and promotes a culture of public accountability and integrity.
We stand by Lalitha and other journalists who have been harassed and targeted for simply performing their duty to provide fact-based reports that raised a legitimate question in the public’s interests. We also demand better protection and support for their efforts in uncovering alleged corruption and controversies.
To that end, we call on the following recommendations to be adopted at once:
13 January 2022
Wathshlah Naidu
CIJ Executive Director
For further inquiries, please contact cijmalaysia@gmail.com.
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.