About CIJ
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.
We, the undersigned civil society organisations (CSOs), are highly concerned with allegations of sexual harassment involving a senior officer at the Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) that have been made public in recent days.
We reiterate the call by the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) for these allegations to be taken seriously and for an independent investigation to be initiated by IRF to probe these allegations and take necessary action against the alleged perpetrator if found guilty. The findings from said investigation, on the other hand, should be made public by IRF in the interest of transparency and due process. Confidentiality should also be maintained, and the alleged survivor be provided the necessary support as well as be protected from any form of intimidation or retaliation.
As CSOs guided by principles of non-discrimination and accountability, we should ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful work environment that is free of sexual harassment or any other forms of violence. As such, it is expected that organisations deal with any alleged sexual harassment expeditiously and fairly when there is knowledge of such misconduct within their organisation, regardless whether or not there has been a written or formal complaint. Further, organisations must take all appropriate measures to prevent retaliation or prohibit such conduct from recurring post-investigation.
It could be imputed that organisations which knowingly allow or tolerate sexual harassment, including by failing to take immediate action, are, in fact, condoning or deemed complicit in allowing the perpetuation of this culture of harassment and violence.
This is a watershed moment for us to transform organisational culture, take a stand in solidarity, provide the necessary platform for all those who do come forward and break the silence so that perpetrators are held to account.
We, the undersigned organisations, hereby affirm zero tolerance of sexual harassment at the workplace and pledge to ensure that we have an effective sexual harassment policy in place, and relatedly commit towards creating a safe and conducive working environment for all in our respective organisations and within the larger movement.
On this note, we also reaffirm the call for the urgent tabling of the Sexual Harassment Bill in Parliament, no later than this year, to ensure that there is an enabling mechanism for prevention, effective response, redress and remedies.
Issued by the CSO Platform for Reform
Endorsed by:
The CSO Platform for Reform is a coalition of 70 CSOs focusing on reforms for Malaysia Baru.
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.