About CIJ
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.
Internet censorship surfaces again as online forum ‘Malaysia Boleh’ is being investigated under the Sedition Act. The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is concerned about the threats made against the web-based ‘Malaysia Boleh’ forum following a Harian Metro report about the website. The Sedition Act 1948 is being used to silence opinion. This does not help to solve grievances, but serves to worsen them.
Following on the heels of the ‘Anwar’ controversy which was first highlighted in Berita Harian, there appears to be a concerted attempt by newspapers to police the Internet. It was reported yesterday that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission was investigating the matter. Further, Energy, Water and Communications Minister Dr Lim Keng Yaik was reported as saying that if the person who had posted allegedly seditious comments about race or religion was caught, they would be charged under the Sedition Act. This allows for imprisonment of up to three years.
The comments made on the forum were in bad taste. However, silencing discussion on the highly sensitive issues of race and religion is not going to solve the problems alluded to, however crudely, in the discussions on this forum. What is required is the opening up of spaces for discussion, rather than closing them down.
Currently, the only environment where Malaysians are comfortable discussing issues of race and religion with Malaysians of other faiths is anonymously, usually online. These conditions do not lead to responsible or mature discussion. Spaces need to be opened up in other media for these discussions to allow hidden grievances to be aired, and solved.
A precursor to opening up discussion on these issues, and solving the problems raised on the ‘Malaysia Boleh’ forum, requires that the Government repeal the Sedition Act. While this act is in place, Malaysians can be arrested, tried and imprisoned for voicing opinions or “discontent”. This does not create an atmosphere amenable to mature, responsible discussion.
In this context, CIJ urges the Government to repeal the Sedition Act and to open up public spaces for debate and discussion.
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.