About CIJ
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.
The Centre for Independent Journalism and Gerakan Media Merdeka said that the State “has not only failed in addressing the alleged corruption, but it also failed in providing adequate protection to an investigative journalist who was playing the role of a whistleblower.”
This statement was originally published on cijmalaysia.net on 7 January 2022.
The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Gerakan Media Merdeka (GERAMM) are alarmed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner, Tan Sri Azam Baki’s letter of demand, which sought the removal of two articles titled “Business ties among MACC leadership: How deep does it go? (Part 1) and (Part 2)” and an apology from investigative journalist, Lathiha Kunaratnamm within 14 days. He also threatened to issue a defamation proceeding demanding RM10 million if she failed to comply.
As the fourth estate of democracy, the media and journalists have the fundamental responsibility to hold the State, especially government officials, accountable for their actions. This is especially so when Lathiha, an investigative journalist, provided fact-based reports that raised a legitimate question in the public’s interests.
Azam’s action calls into question the role of MACC and, ultimately, the State in eliminating corruption in Malaysia. The expected action by MACC and the State would have been to investigate the allegations in the report and not the reporter!
The State has not only failed in addressing the alleged corruption, but it also failed in providing adequate protection to an investigative journalist who was playing the role of a whistleblower as well.
Whistleblowing is an integral part of freedom of expression. Protection of whistleblowers is also essential as it safeguards public interest and promotes a culture of public accountability and integrity.
To that end, we call on the following recommendations to be adopted at once:
7 January 2022
Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
Gerakan Media Merdeka (Geramm)
source: IFEX
The Centre for Independent Journalism is a non-profit organisation promoting media independence and freedom of expression in Malaysia.